For my first blog post I thought it would be fun for me to list my top ten video games of all time. It would help you understand my preference and video game history. This list is purely personal as I will only list the top games that had the biggest impact on me from when I was child to adulthood. Thus, meta critic scores do not matter as I'm judging this list based on nostalgia alone (it may be biased ^_^). So without further ado, let's get started.
10. Soldier of Fortune 2 (PC)
No other shooter could take me back to the days of Soldier of Fortune 2. Never have I played a shooter that was so technical that you could lean and crouch like Neo in Matrix to dodge bullets. It didn't have all the perks and systems of current shooters (I'm looking at you Call of Duty) but it was fun LAN partying in SIP n Surf Internet Cafe and JAVA back in the days for hours and hours. Damn, they made a ton of money from my friends and I.
9. Tales of Destiny 2 (PSX)
Time to explore.
Oooooo the nostalgia I get just thinking about the hours spent in this magical world. I bought this at a whim not knowing anything about it (this was before I had the internet). It was a good decision because it was an epic tale spanning across two different world maps (talking three discs) and it was a multiplayer JRPG (my mind was blown). My brother and I played together. He was a warrior character and I was magic user. We did everything possible in the game (Time Craymel anyone). Good times.
8. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PC)
I need that car!
One word that best describes this game for me is, 'soundtrack'. GTA 3 was already a great game but setting this game in 80's Miami was a genius decision by Rockstar. It was also inspired by movies (Scarface) and TV shows (Miami Vice) from that era. I fell in love with the 80's after playing this game.
7. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (GBA)
Don't Use Fire!
I had to put this game on the list because of the amount of time I put into it. I've spent long nights laying in bed with my Game Boy Advance SP (Thank God Nintendo created a back-lit GBA) grinding and leveling up my characters. By the time I reached the final battle I was OP (Over powered for you noobs ^_^).
6. Resident Evil 4 (PS2)
Red barrels always explores in games.
Run man! Run! This was probably the first horror game I ever played and it was action-packed. My first Resident Evil game as well, it is the best in the franchise as it changed the horror and action genre. When I thought the game was over the game just kept going and going and going with terrifying environments, enemies and boss fights that I will remember forever (I'm looking at you spikey regenerating guy).
5. Dance Central 3 (X360)
Its Electric!!!
Do you like to dance? I know I do. So when Microsoft developed the Kinect (a device that tracks player movement) and paired it with a legit dancing game, colour me interested. There are other dancing games out there but this felt the most authentic because it can track the placement of every part of your body and it's easy to follow what the characters are doing on screen when compared to other dancing games.
4. Tetris (Any Platform)
It's Tetris, nuff said.
3. Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3)
Do you have the time Bats, I'm late for an appointment.
I thought that it would never have a good batman game until Rocksteady made this masterpiece in 2009. Taking elements of Metroid and Zelda exploratory design with kick-ass combat that changed the way combat is done in games, this game surprised everyone. The story is so dark and unpredictable that it will leave you saying, 'what the hell just happen' (Scarecrow, No!!!).
2. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (PSP)
Two Snakes are better than one.
This is the best PSP game ever made and maybe the best in the franchise (yes I said it, BEST). The only other MGS game I ever played and beat is Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain. I know the story of the previous games but I never wanted to play it because I didn't like certain elements of them (hated the over head camera of MGS 1, 2 & 3). Peace Walker used MGS4's gameplay, expanded on all its systems while adding RPG elements, COOP gameplay, and multiple mission types. The missions was also short, making it easy to just pick up and play. ***SPOILERS*** They even added cool Easter eggs from assassin's creed and monster hunter that added to the already perfect gameplay. If you are a gamer, you are doing yourself a disservice by not play this game.
1. Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World (SNES)
What is Bowser staring at?
This is probably cheating but Its My List. When I discovered this existed I was overjoyed because not only do you get Super Mario Brothers 1, 2, 3 and lost levels that were remastered with 16-bit graphics but you also got Super Mario World as well (Star World anyone). Mario is the franchise I grew up on as a child as it was after the great video game crash of 83 (dodge a bullet there). Therefore, Nintendo was my first gaming system and Mario Brothers my first game. I know it sounds like it's just nostalgia but these games hold up to this day, 25 years later and it's one of the first games I'll let my future child play to teach him/her the ways of the Mario force.
Honorable Mentions
Max Payne 2 (PC), Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3), Rival Schools Evolution (PSX), Tekken 3 (PSX), Crash Team Racing (PSX), FIFA (Franchise), PES (Franchise), Mass Effect (Franchise), Killer Instinct (SNES), Super Bomberman 4 (SNES), Pokemon Gold (GBC), Ratchet & Clank (Franchise), Super Smash Bros (Franchise), Portal (Franchise), Persona 4: Golden (PSV), Raiden DX (ARC) and Sleeping Dogs (PS3).
What are some of your favorite video games of all time? Please leave some of them in the comment section below.
Good list, and cool blog.
ReplyDeleteThanks doing this list wasn't easy.
DeleteGood stuff, vice City would be a bit higher for me tho
ReplyDeleteGood stuff, vice City would be a bit higher for me tho
ReplyDeleteRight now I'm playing Pokemongo.